V2 (latest)


Do you have questions, or are you finding something tricky with our API? There are several ways to get help:

  • Check for an answer in our FAQ
  • Send us an email

We may already have an answer to your question! Please take a look through our FAQ below:

How Long are Transcriptions Kept?

Transcriptions made by the Batch API are kept for up to two days. Once you start a transcription job, you will have up to two days to query the result. Transcriptions made by the Real Time API are only available during the lifetime of the connection. Once a client disconnects from the WebSocket connection, they will not be able to access the transcripts.

Unauthorized Request when using the Transcription Web Interface

Access to Scribe currently requires an account. If you have an account, make sure you are signed in (opens in a new tab). If you don't have an account, sign up (opens in a new tab) to get one.

Message - "You've reached your API usage limit. Please try again later"

Users are provisioned with a fixed amount of audio transcription time when an account is created. To increase this limit, contact your PM, or email us at

Message - "You have exceeded your rate limit"

You cannot make more than 5 API requests per second. If you continue to see this, after adding in some wait periods, make sure you are not making concurrent requests that could put you over the limit.

How Much Audio / Video Can I Upload?

The Batch API currently allows audio / video files of up to 1 gigabyte.

The Real Time API allows for connections with a duration up to 5 hours. Connections are limited to uploading audio at 2x real time. For more detail, visit the Real Time API Documentation.

Message - "Microphone Not Enabled" / "Microphone Not Detected"

Make sure you have allowed your browser to access the microphone when using Kensho Scribe.

Try verifying your permissions with these guides based on your browser:

Can I do...?

If there is a feature you are interested in or a missing piece for your workflow, reach out (opens in a new tab) and let us know.